Design and develop your test
To be reliable, valid and fair.
Dreams deserve...
expert test design, rigorous test development and world-class psychometrics
Our test development expertise draws on millions of hours of collective experience, leveraging scientific best practices, validated methods, and proven processes. So every test taker is assured their test is reliable, valid and fair. And every test owner is confident in the defensibility and quality of their tests.
Across certification, licensure, and academia we provide support at any – and every – stage of the test development process.
Legally defensible
Test design you can trust
Partner with our expert psychometricians to conduct comprehensive analyses of what needs to be assessed. Our rigorous processes help you define exactly what is needed to perform a job or achieve a required standard, drawing on experience from multiple industries and disciplines.
- Job analysis
- Test content specification
Expert test development
Test development based on science
Our psychometricians, working with test developers and subject matter experts (SMEs), develop valid test items that measure what’s important. We use psychometrics to create and evaluate items, assemble tests, and establish defensible passing scores. Our test development processes are based on scientific rigor and established standards to meet legal and industry requirements and ensure public safety.
Item writing and review
Test construction
Equating and scaling
Test scoring and standard setting
Test / item analysis and reports
Automated item generation (AIG)
Assurance of world-class psychometricians
The key to developing and maintaining the legal defensibility and quality of your tests lies with the guidance of knowledgeable and experienced psychometricians. PSI has over 60 psychometric and test development specialists working across a wide range of programs and industries. We actively partner with our clients to guide you through every stage of the exam development process.
Program feasibility study
Program design
Job analysis, role delineation and practice analysis
Subject matter expert selection and training
Statistical analysis
Test assembly built to last and easy to maintain
Fully manage your test items, item banks and test forms – in a flexible, secure, web-based, self-service environment with the PSI Item Banking Platform. With easy access to workflow management, item review features, quality assurance tools, item performance statistics, and reporting capability.
Secure item banking and storage
Test item maintenance
Test form assembly
Reporting capabilities
Automated item generation (AIG)
“We understand the importance of tests that stand up to scrutiny from clients, test takers and the courts. No test developed by PSI, when used as recommended by PSI, has ever been successfully challenged in court.”
Valid test = Evidence that the test measures what it is designed to measure
Reliability = Precise and consistent score results
Automated test generation to protect integrity
Create a virtually unlimited number of unique and equivalent testing forms to protect the integrity of your test with our proprietary test generation software, FormCast®. All content-balanced and with minimum overlap, providing a statistically equivalent form for every test taker. Features include multi-lingual testing online, multiple item types and immediate reporting.
- Test generation software
- Reporting capabilities
Stay ahead with test review and evaluation
We support you to regularly evaluate and update your test content. So you stay ahead of your industry and the evolving needs of your test takers.
We conduct evaluations to ensure your tests remain valid and legally defensible. By undertaking our rigorous test design, development and evaluation process, you will be far more likely to withstand a legal challenge. Our team is on hand to provide compliance support if needed.
Program review
Item and test review
Test validation
Fairness analyses
Accreditation support
Backed by leading experts
We are backed by a Science Advisory Board of leading experts in measurement, industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology and labor law. The Board works with the PSI team to ensure our methodologies and approaches are consistent with the highest professional standards and practices.
Success stories
"We wanted a partner who can deliver exams anywhere, anytime without someone having to go to a physical testing center. The gap in the market was ‘access’ and PSI was committed to delivering exams in real time, online."
Clyde Seepersad
General Manager of Training & Certification, The Linux Foundation
"This is an ongoing partnership with PSI which will evolve and improve as we each learn more about our respective markets and skill sets. We are looking to move more of our exams to an anytime, anywhere model. This allows us to continue to put the learner, irrespective of their age, at the center of our plans."
Helen Coleman
Chief Operating Officer, ABRSM
"I have tremendously enjoyed working with PSI. They have been a very responsive partner, always working to improve the customer experience, innovating at every step. I continue to be impressed by how responsive they are to client needs."