Test Delivery

Test delivery

With integrity and a great test taker experience.

Dreams deserve…

innovative test delivery through global test centers, remote testing, online proctoring and multi-modal testing.

Your online exam delivery must exceed expectations and keep pace with emerging test technologies. Your test takers are pursuing their dreams – to change, to improve, to succeed – and you must match them. With over 75 years of testing experience, PSI supports organizations in virtually every industry and discipline. Delivering online test services that balance test security and integrity with an excellent test taker experience – to give their dreams the rigor they deserve.

psi test delivery

End to end test delivery

To fit your unique needs, we have built robust test delivery that is fully customizable. Our test delivery platform guides you through the test life cycle. From PSI Item Banking Platform and authoring to test form creation software, test delivery and reporting.

innovative test delivery

Scalability with online proctoring

Scale up or scale down with flexible testing in a location that’s convenient for every one of your test takers. Test on demand with PSI Record & Review or book a test with PSI Live Online Proctoring.

Our experienced, trained proctors are supported by the latest technology with PSI Proctoring Platform.

PSI Live Online Proctoring

"Over 75% of test takers who have the choice now opt to take their test remotely with online proctoring."

Global test centers you can trust

We deliver the assurance of secure and consistent testing for your organization. Our global network of PSI proctored exam testing centers gives you regulated, quality-assured testing in over 2,000 locations and 120+ countries worldwide. With flexible scheduling, convenient locations and a comfortable environment for your test takers.
psi global test centers

Flexibility with multi-modal testing

Give test takers the best of both worlds. The convenience of remote testing where preferred. Or access to the infrastructure of our global computerized testing centers where needed.

Flexible multi-modal testing meets the needs of your organization and your test takers. Tests can be delivered with secure online proctoring, unproctored, or off-line/off-grid, with multiple combinations available.

multi-modal testing
remote testing technology

A new ‘always on’ approach to testing

Move away from testing windows that limit testing volumes and increase test taker issues. With remote testing technologies, your test takers have access to continuous testing online with Live Online Proctoring, or on-demand testing with Record & Review Proctoring. PSI has supported many organizations to make this transition. Benefiting test takers and testing organizations alike.

online unproctored tests

Ease of access with online unproctored tests

Deliver remote online computer based testing where proctoring is not required in a test taker’s own home, place of work or other location. A great option for practice tests, diagnostics or formative knowledge tests. 

We're here to help

Whatever your testing needs, our friendly, experienced team is here to provide guidance and answer your questions.