Going global with your certification testing program – Part II

Going global with your certification testing program – Part II

Scott Hazlett, MBA, Vice President, Global Business Development

August 14, 2024

As we explored in part I of this series, the decision to take your certification testing program global involves numerous strategic considerations. With a strong foundation in place, the next step is to focus on the practical aspects of implementation. In this second part of our series, we’ll delve into the critical components of global program execution, including the balance between standardization and localization, cost and resource planning, test delivery methods, and maintaining the security and quality of your program on an international scale.

1. Evaluating cost and resource implications

  • Assessing feasibility: Before embarking on the journey of global expansion, it’s crucial to evaluate the feasibility of creating and sustaining a global certification program. This involves a thorough assessment of the costs associated with developing new content, translating materials, and conducting ongoing reviews and updates. Consider whether these expenses align with your long-term financial projections and whether the potential increase in market share justifies the initial investment. Additionally, factor in the cost of adapting your program for different regions, which may include compliance with local regulations, language translation, and the development of region-specific content.
  • Market demand and ROI: Understanding the market demand in your target regions is essential to ensuring a return on your investment. Conduct market research, pilot testing, or surveys to gauge the level of interest and demand for your certification program. This data will help you make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts and resources. Engage with global stakeholders, including industry experts, regulatory bodies, and local practitioners, to gain insights into the unique needs and challenges of each region.

2. Standardization vs. localization

  • Balancing global consistency with regional relevance: One of the key challenges of global expansion is determining whether to standardize your certification program or localize it to meet the specific needs of different regions. Standardization ensures that your program delivers consistent outcomes across the globe, which is critical for maintaining the integrity and credibility of your certification. However, localization allows you to adapt your program to address cultural, regulatory, and industry-specific differences in each market. The right approach may involve a combination of both—standardizing core elements of your program while allowing for localized adaptations where necessary.
  • Language considerations: Language is a critical aspect of localization. You’ll need to assess whether the language used in your current certification tests is accessible to a global audience. Depending on the regions you’re targeting, you may need to translate your content into additional languages or offer language support services. Consider the cost implications of translation and the potential impact on test delivery and candidate experience. It’s also important to ensure that translated content retains the same level of rigor and accuracy as the original version, which may require collaboration with language experts and subject matter experts from different regions.
  • Compliance with ISO standards: While ISO17024:2012 does not mandate translation except where required by local regulation, the decision to translate your tests should be made with careful consideration of the associated risks and benefits. High-quality translations that are sensitive to cultural norms and professional practices can enhance the accessibility and appeal of your certification program in new markets. However, it’s essential to maintain the same level of difficulty and validity across all language versions to ensure the fairness and reliability of your program.

3. Test delivery considerations

  • Creating a global test delivery roadmap: Secure and reliable test delivery is a cornerstone of any successful global certification program. Begin by assessing your current test delivery infrastructure and identifying any gaps that need to be addressed to support global expansion. This includes evaluating the availability and reliability of testing facilities in your target regions, as well as the technical infrastructure needed for remote testing. Developing a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the steps required to adapt your test delivery methods for global use will help ensure a smooth transition.
  • Multi-modal testing options: Offering a range of test delivery options can enhance the accessibility and flexibility of your certification program. Many organizations choose to adopt a multi-modal approach, allowing candidates to choose between remote testing with secure online proctoring or in-person testing at secure centers. This approach accommodates the diverse needs and preferences of test takers around the world while also ensuring that your program can be delivered consistently across different regions. Consider factors such as time zones, internet connectivity, and cultural preferences when designing your test delivery strategy.
  • Ensuring test security and integrity: Maintaining the security and integrity of your certification program is critical, especially when expanding globally. Implementing robust security measures, such as advanced encryption, lockdown browsers, and online proctoring, will help protect your tests from breaches and ensure the validity of test results. Also, consider establishing clear policies and procedures for handling security incidents and mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing test sessions to detect and address potential issues.

4. Continuous improvement and quality assurance

  • Data-driven decision making: Expanding your certification program globally is not a one-time effort—it requires ongoing monitoring and continuous improvement. Leveraging advanced analytics and data forensics can provide valuable insights into test performance across different regions, helping you identify trends, anomalies, and areas for improvement. Differential item functioning (DIF) analysis, for example, can help ensure that test items are fair and unbiased for all candidates, regardless of their cultural or linguistic background. By using data to inform your decisions, you can make targeted adjustments that enhance the quality and fairness of your program on a global scale.
  • Gathering and incorporating feedback: Feedback from test takers and other stakeholders is essential for the continuous improvement of your global certification program. Establish mechanisms for collecting feedback throughout the rollout process and use this information to make iterative improvements. Post-launch, ongoing feedback collection through surveys, focus groups, and performance analytics will help you stay agile and responsive to changing market conditions and emerging trends. Regularly reviewing and updating your program based on feedback will ensure that it remains relevant, competitive, and aligned with the needs of a global audience.

5. Marketing your global certification program

  • Developing a global marketing strategy: Successfully launching your certification program in new markets requires a well-thought-out marketing and branding strategy. Start by clearly articulating your value proposition, highlighting the benefits of your certification for both test takers and employers. Promote your program’s strengths, such as the quality of your test content, the rigor of your development processes, and the flexibility of your test delivery options. Tailor your messaging to resonate with local audiences, and consider partnering with in-country organizations to build credibility and increase buy-in.
  • Building strategic partnerships: Partnerships and collaborations can play a vital role in the success of your global expansion. Leverage existing relationships with industry associations, educational institutions, and regulatory bodies to facilitate your program’s rollout in new regions. Explore opportunities to create new partnerships that enhance your program’s visibility and credibility, such as working with local employers to promote the benefits of certification or developing accreditation programs that recognize businesses with a high number of certified professionals.

Expanding globally demands not only a keen understanding of international markets but also a partner that can facilitate seamless integration of complex elements—from test development to delivery. At PSI, we pride ourselves on our expertise in delivering tailored solutions that cater to diverse global requirements. Enhance your program’s global presence with PSI’s proven strategies and innovative tools. For more detailed strategies and to understand how PSI can specifically aid in your global expansion, refer to our detailed guide on implementing and managing certification programs internationally.

Explore PSI’s solutions and read our detailed guide on managing global certification programs internationally


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