Going global with your certification testing program – Part I

Going global with your certification testing program – Part I

Scott Hazlett, MBA, Vice President, Global Business Development

August 13, 2024

As organizations strive to meet the evolving needs of professionals worldwide, the demand for global certification programs is on the rise. Expanding your certification testing program beyond borders can unlock significant growth opportunities, elevate your organization’s reputation, and contribute to the professional development of individuals across diverse markets. However, going global requires careful planning and strategic foresight. In this first part of our two-part series, we’ll explore the foundational considerations for taking your certification testing program international.

1. Why go global?

  • Growth opportunities: Expanding your certification program globally allows you to tap into new markets and reach untapped pools of test takers. The increasing demand for professional qualifications across industries presents a prime opportunity to extend your program’s reach. By crossing into new regions, you can not only grow your candidate base but also establish a stronger presence in emerging markets where demand for skilled professionals is high.
  • Enhanced reputation: A global footprint can significantly elevate the credibility of your certification program and your organization. Being recognized as an industry leader on an international scale can enhance your brand’s visibility and solidify your standing in the market. Organizations that expand globally are often seen as forward-thinking and committed to upholding the highest standards in their field.
  • Contribution to professional development: By expanding your certification program, you’re not only advancing the careers of individual test takers but also addressing global talent needs. Your certification can play a crucial role in supporting the future of your industry worldwide, ensuring that professionals are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a globalized economy.

2. Key considerations before going global

  • Balancing risk and reward: While the benefits of going global are clear, it’s important to balance them against potential risks. Diversifying your audience can reduce reliance on specific markets, thus mitigating risks related to economic fluctuations, regulatory changes, or geopolitical instability. By spreading your reach across multiple regions, you enhance your program’s resilience and adaptability to changing conditions, ensuring long-term sustainability.
  • Resource implications: Global expansion brings with it a range of resource implications. You’ll need to consider market conditions, regulatory complexities, and quality concerns. Planning is essential—without it, you may encounter unforeseen challenges that could hinder your program’s success. A strategic approach to resource allocation, budgeting, and timeline management will be crucial as you move forward with global expansion.
  • Market research: Before making the decision to go global, it’s imperative to conduct thorough market research. Understanding the demand for your certification in target regions, assessing the competitive landscape, and evaluating cultural nuances will inform your strategy. Market research will also help you identify any potential barriers to entry and determine how your program can be tailored to meet the needs of a global audience.

3. Developing a global strategy

  • Market analysis and feasibility: Conducting a detailed market analysis and feasibility study is the first step in building a strong business case for global expansion. This analysis should include an assessment of market demand, competition, and the regulatory environment in each target region. By gathering this intelligence early on, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions and develop a robust strategy for entering new markets.
  • Budget and resource planning: Expanding your certification program globally requires careful financial planning. You’ll need to consider the costs associated with content development, language translations, marketing, and ongoing program maintenance. Additionally, assessing your existing resources and identifying any gaps will help you determine what additional support you may need to successfully launch your global program.
  • Framework for global certification: When expanding globally, one of the key decisions you’ll need to make is whether to use your existing certification as it is or develop a new global version. Considerations include whether eligibility requirements will vary by region, how you will structure pricing, and whether specific elements of the test content need to be adapted to meet regional standards. Developing a flexible framework that allows for localization while maintaining the integrity of your certification will be critical to your success.

4. Test development considerations

  • Content relevance and cultural sensitivity: The relevance of your test content on a global scale is a major consideration. It’s important to assess whether your existing certification content aligns with global industry standards and practices. Additionally, cultural sensitivity should be a priority in the test development process—content that resonates with one region may not be as effective in another. Ensuring that your test content is free from cultural biases and language barriers will help create a fair and inclusive testing experience for all candidates.
  • Item writing and test assembly: The development of global test content begins with a job analysis and consultation with subject matter experts (SMEs) from different regions. This process helps define what needs to be assessed and ensures regional differences are considered. From item writing and review to test assembly and standard setting, a rigorous approach to test development is essential to ensure the validity and reliability of your certification program across different markets.
  • Test translations: Translating your certification test into multiple languages can extend your program’s reach even further. However, the process of test translation is complex and requires careful consideration of legal, cultural, and linguistic factors. ISO17024:2012 does not mandate test translation unless required by local regulations, but if you choose to translate your tests, it’s essential to maintain high fidelity and accuracy. This ensures that translated tests are legally defensible, fair, and reliable across all regions.

5. Ensuring test security and quality

  • Secure test delivery: Maintaining the security and integrity of your tests is crucial, especially when expanding globally. Your test delivery infrastructure must be robust enough to support secure testing in diverse regions. Whether you’re offering remote proctoring or testing at secure centers, it’s important to implement strong security measures that protect against breaches and ensure the validity of test results.
  • Data analysis and continuous improvement: Going global is not just about administering tests—it’s about continuously improving them. Advanced analytics, including data forensics and differential item functioning (DIF) analysis, can provide valuable insights into test performance across different regions. By identifying anomalies and ensuring fairness, you can uphold the credibility of your testing program and make data-driven decisions that enhance your global certification offering.

As you contemplate expanding your certification program across global markets, remember that success hinges on thorough preparation and strategic foresight. PSI is here to support you every step of the way with solutions that ensure your global expansion is smooth and sustainable. To dive deeper into strategic considerations and gain more insights into successful global implementation, download our comprehensive guide on global certification programs. Start your journey to global success with PSI and make your certification program a worldwide benchmark.

Download the comprehensive PSI guide on global certification expansion


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