Test Center requirements
Requirements are subject to change and will be communicated in those instances
- Test Center must conform to local building, sanitation & health codes
- Building, grounds and surrounding area must be clean and welcoming to testers
- The building must be easily accessible via major roadways or public transportation
- Exits must be clearly marked and unobstructed
- Fire extinguishers are required and in working order, location well marked and easily accessible
- Emergency exits must be clearly identified and clear of obstructions
- First aid kits must be stocked and easily accessible
- Restrooms must be located in the same building as the testing center
- Restrooms must be clean, supplied with necessary items, and in working order
- Adequate parking must be available near the testing center location
Test site environment
- Test room must be large enough to comfortably place testing stations and chairs
- Test station table surface must be large enough to accommodate the monitor, keyboard, mouse pad and applicable testing materials. The minimum size is 42″ x 36″
- Testing room shall be free from any other activity during testing sessions; during non-testing time, the testing room may be available for other uses
- Ensure aisle space exists so that test takers have ample personal space
- Testing area must be located in such a way so that no test taker will be disturbed by foot traffic, loud conversation or outside noise
- Partitions must physically separate each testing workstation, extending at a minimum the depth of the workstation desk and at minimum the height of the top of the workstation monitor
- Copy machine or scanner to provide copies of test taker IDs and test eligibility documents
Site environment
- The admin station must be located outside of the testing room
- Seating must be available for all testers
- Space must be provided for tester accommodations, such as a separate room or reader/recorder. Testers may need space outside of the main testing room(s) in these instances
- PSI will need to confirm all final layouts prior to site activation to ensure both the quality and security of the site meet PSI standards
- The lobby must be clean and presentable at all times
- Testers must have individual storage options for their belongings, such as lockers. Storage must be outside of the testing room
- Staff should greet testers as they arrive and provide any necessary support
- Webcam located at Proctor Station to take a digital photo of testers, per client policy
Security and surveillance
- Test security is vital to giving test takers the confidence their tests are conducted fairly, delivering reliable outcomes, and protecting the integrity of our organizations
- Testing must take place in a separate room with a closable door
- Proctor station and printer must be located outside of the testing room
- All testers will be wanded prior to entry to the testing room. Staff must be capable and comfortable supporting this process
- Video surveillance system must provide constant surveillance during testing session and include a Digital Video Recording (DVR) system with 90-day retention
- Testing room door must be lockable, restricting any unauthorized access
- All testing material must be secured when not in use
Equipment and supplies
- A locking file cabinet to secure test materials and test taker documents
- 8 1/12x 11 printer paper to be issued to test takers, per published client policy, and Number 2 pencils
- Disposable Earplugs or Noise Canceling Headphones must be offered to all test takers
- Audio-capable headsets for tests containing audio files. Over-the-ear models required; must be able to wipe clean with an anti-bacterial cloth or provide disposable covers
- Basic 4-function calculators must be available for specific tests
- White boards to be issued to test takers, per published client policy
- Sites will be expected to deliver tests for all PSI clients. Exceptions are at the sole discretion of PSI
- An ideal partner is businesses focused on helping their communities and advancing people in their careers
- Under no circumstances are sites to contact current PSI clients, regardless of how they were approached. All client contact must be handled directly by PSI staff
- A warm, inviting space where testers will feel comfortable and can focus on their testing
- Sites are expected to be open for 2 days each week at least 4-5 hours per day, with at least 1 day containing a 5-hour testing session. In cases of closure, notice should be provided to PSI at least 30 days in advance
- Sites should have a full schedule for the next 6 months in place at the point of going live and will continue to provide a 6 month advance schedule when prompted by PSI, twice per year
- Staff must possess the ability to quickly implement varying and emerging test delivery policies. Administrators will be expected to know and support any nuanced delivery steps specific to a client or clients
- A proactive approach to ensuring that all testing will happen as planned
- Site schedules should not be changed once put in place, as this may lead to undue tester displacement or disruption
- Staff should be welcoming to testers, while paying close attention to policies and security of the test
- While PSI testing is underway, two dedicated resources must be available to focus on those test takers
- Sites should enact a staffing plan that allows consistent and reliable site availability
- Staff will be provided training on all aspects of their role, and are expected to pay close attention to all training modules. PSI also offers professional development coursework for staff to take at their discretion
- It is essential that our testers receive information specific to their professional needs. PSI asks that staff also understand how to show restraint and provide only information they have full confidence is accurate
- It is important that PSI and the site have an open line of communication and timely response in order to best services our Test Takers. We ask that when PSI submits a non-urgent inquiry it be responded to within 48 hours