Organizations agree to launch new scholarship program, provide online testing option
CULPEPER, Va., August 23, 2023 — The Association of Social Work Boards today announced a strategic partnership with PSI, a leading testing provider, to administer its social work licensing examination program beginning in early 2024. This partnership enhances ASWB’s ongoing commitment to justice in social work regulation on behalf of its members, the 64 social work regulatory bodies throughout the United States and Canada. The partnership will help ASWB drive practical initiatives that leverage both organizations’ focus on transparency in test outcomes, accessibility, and inclusivity.
“The ASWB licensing exams play a crucial role in advancing safe, competent, and ethical practices to strengthen public protection and to solidify social work as a profession,” said ASWB CEO Stacey Hardy-Chandler, Ph.D., J.D., LCSW. “ASWB’s selection of PSI for exam development and administration represents a new chapter in competence measurements for the social work profession. We are looking forward to working with PSI, as their alignment with our values was one of the highest factors considered among our selection criteria.”
ASWB regularly evaluates its vendor relationships, and its testing vendor contract was up for renewal this year. ASWB issued a request for proposal in January 2023 and evaluated all submissions for a variety of criteria such as a focus on the candidate experience, remote testing capabilities, and alignment with ASWB’s values. Through the RFP process, ASWB determined PSI to be the best fit for its vision of the future of social work competence measurement.
“We want to continue to accurately and fairly measure competence for the social work profession,” said Lavina Harless, LCSW, ASWB’s senior director of examination services. “We also want to be intentional about addressing the financial impact on repeat test-takers as they pursue licensure, which is why we are so eager to have PSI’s support as we implement meaningful changes that reflect our ongoing commitment to fairness, inclusivity, and equal opportunities.”
The two organizations will pursue initiatives designed to support candidates’ paths to licensure, including the development of a scholarship fund for repeat test-takers. Recognizing that financial realities can hinder candidates’ pursuit of professional goals, ASWB and PSI have each pledged to contribute to a fund for future outreach to and support for test-takers, particularly those from historically marginalized communities.
“PSI is thrilled to partner with ASWB,” said Janet Garcia, President at PSI. “We are excited to see how we can support the ASWB examination program’s continued journey through the execution of creative and intentional strategies that offer equitable and accessible testing opportunities for all exam candidates.”
In preparation for administration of the social work licensing exams, PSI is conducting full test development and psychometric evaluations of ASWB’s examination program to highlight key areas of excellence and identify places where greater inclusion can be integrated into test creation. The team will build on ASWB’s longstanding and successful efforts to ensure that its assessments accurately evaluate the knowledge and skills required for safe and ethical entry to practice.
PSI will begin administering the social work licensing examinations at its 475 test centers across the United States and Canada in early 2024, with a remote testing option being made available through secure online proctoring later in the year.
During the transition, registered candidates will receive an email from ASWB with next steps. More information will be available soon on ASWB’s website at
About ASWB
ASWB is the nonprofit organization composed of the social work regulatory boards and colleges of all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and all 10 Canadian provinces.
We are the only nonprofit organization dedicated to social work regulation. Our mission is to provide support and services to the social work regulatory community to advance safe, competent, and ethical practices to strengthen public protection.
ASWB owns and maintains the social work licensing examinations that are used to test a social worker’s entry-level competence to practice ethically and safely.
About PSI
We partner with clients in a rapidly evolving landscape to deliver over 22 million tests every year. All backed by exceptional test taker experiences, innovative test delivery solutions, and best practice test development.
PSI’s long history of testing is grounded in proven science, the latest technology and extensive operational expertise. Our unwavering focus is on delivering frictionless and fair test taker experiences, without compromising test integrity. Whether it’s through valid test content, authorized test centers, secure remote testing with online proctoring, multi-modal test delivery, testing windows or continuous testing on-demand.
We partner with test sponsors covering the breadth of professional sectors, from healthcare and IT to numerous highly specialized industries. And we develop and deliver licensure tests across multiple industries including insurance, real estate, barber and cosmetology, construction and trades.
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Joscelyn Coles
[email protected]